
Event Type

Clockwise left to right: Carmina Escobar, Megan Auster Rosen, Karen Tongson
 | 8 pm
The Art of Grief Podcast and Carmina Escobar
L.A. Omnibus Series
The Nimoy
Live performance
Member of Orquesta Akokán plays the trumpet on a stage with an orange backdrop
 | 8 pm
Orquesta Akokán
The United Theater on Broadway
Live performance
Image of Andy Akiho with text saying 'School Matinee Performance Grades 6-12'
 | 10:45 am
Andy Akiho Trio
School Matinee Performance Grades 6-12
The Nimoy
K–12 programs
Contemporary Classical
Headshot of Andy Akiho wearing a blue button down shirt with a gray background
 | 8 pm
Andy Akiho Trio
The Nimoy
Live performance
Contemporary Classical
Performers from 'Ulysses' sit at a long table on stage with papers falling from above them
Elevator Repair Service
MacGowan Little Theater, UCLA
Live performance
Performers from Sai Ananam Devotional Ensemble perform on stage
 | 6:30 pm
Sai Anantam Devotional Ensemble
Presented by CAP UCLA and Hammer Museum
The Nimoy
Live performance
Eiko Otake and Wen Hui perform together on stage in front of a black backdrop
 | 8 pm
What Is War
Collaboratively created and performed by Eiko Otake and Wen Hui
The Nimoy
Live performance
900x600 image of L.A. street
 | 8 pm
Salvage Efforts
L.A. Omnibus Series
The Nimoy
Live performance
Two actors lay picnic blankets set up on a stage with a black backdrop and two screens of outdoor images
 | 8 pm
Lagartijas Tiradas al Sol
The Nimoy
Live performance
Image of members from Quetzal with text on bottom of frame that reads 'School matinee performance for grades 4-8'
 | 11:45 am
School Matinee Performance Grades 4-8
The Nimoy
K–12 programs
General Music
Image of members of Queztal standing in a circle, looking downwards at the camera
 | 8 pm
The Nimoy
Live performance
General Music
Cecile McLorin Salvant performs on stage
 | 8 pm
Cécile McLorin Salvant
Royce Hall
Live performance
Two dancers pose in front of a grey wall with one leaning backwards on the other performer, who is leaning forwards
-  | 8 pm
Miguel Gutierrez
Super Nothing
The Nimoy
Live performance
Split image of Ralph van Raat sitting at a piano and a portrait of Gloria Cheng posed
 | 8 pm
Celebrating Pierre Boulez 1925-2025
The Nimoy
Live performance
Contemporary Classical
Rianto performs on stage in front a black backdrop with their hands lifted above their shoulders
 | 8 pm
The Nimoy
Live performance